Some News

About Both Club & Members.. 

With the season well under way, it's become very clear that no further news items are going to be submitted for publication on this website, so, suffering from this imposed news moratorium, it's now a pointless redundant Domain and will close.

While we are still *here*, we should thank the trio of members who have individually, in turn, diligently and skillfully bought you (dear reader) this site for the last eighteen years.

From initial design, creation and fledgling first steps by Abdul, through extensive use of Tables & Adobe Flash by Paul D to multiple device activation and ultimate close down by Paul R... we thank you for your loyal, thankless creative service down the years. Cheers,it's been a blast

Finally, we put-up a countdown timer;it marks the demise of this domain in;

13th January 2024 Social Saturday, Libby reports;
With all the lawns having been mown on Friday, the first for the year as well as being white lined, Social Saturday got off to a great start. A big thank you to Paul D and Mike for all their hard work.
In the clubhouse, the Lawns and Groundwork's Committee Meeting at 10.00am was chaired by Robert Essler. The meeting was very well attended with progress made on future work programming.
In total 13 members and friends attended on Saturday. Charlie (7years old) who came with his father and grandfather, thoroughly enjoyed running hoops and showed a natural talent. His grandfather, David, had played croquet as a young man in Nottingham.
Look forward to seeing members next week or during the week as weather permits. Watch out for notice on the website diary as to when people are playing.

Croquet England Begins...

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